
Showing posts from April, 2017

Students art in progress at The Oracle Gallery

It's always a fantastic experience to watch young people being creative. When you completely remove the subject and encourage them to create freely, the results are always incredible. By being completely in their joy, they become channels for such vibrant and expressive art. Without words, their art has the power to awaken many.....purely by the energy of it. Through working in this way regularly, everyone - whatever their age, develops self esteem, confidence, balanced mental health. They become happier individuals and it makes you realise how much uniqueness is stripped away from a person throughout their existence here. Without exception - 99% of the time, students arrive unable to express fully. It's as if they are broken somehow - and they are. Our system of schooling that drills everyone to be the same so that the correct box can be ticked, just isn't working. It's actually failing many. What everyone actually needs is to be connected to the ener...

Fun with colour - The Students Exhibition.

The students exhibition is going fantastically well. People have come into the gallery from Switzerland, Texas, Slovenia, Cuba, India the Netherlands and from all over the UK. One of the beautiful comments has been - 'I've never seen spirit so openly displayed before.' People are being drawn in by the vibrant energy. It has been a real pleasure to meet everyone and conversations have been mind blowing. I love it when connection becomes one of higher-self to higher-self. Spirit to spirit. The confirmations, synchronisities, and learning are so rewarding. We've had lots of kids and adults come in and join us for group painting.  So far three canvases are being worked on and are looking great. It's so powerful when a group of people create together - the result is so much more than you could imagine. Whether it is meditating together or painting, a group energy sends a beam of light high up into the universe - like a beacon of light. This light energy th...