
Showing posts from 2017

The Web of Wyrd. The Matrix of Fate.

Much of the last 20 years has been about meeting people at The Oracle Gallery. There has been many interesting unfoldings and I've been privileged to meet  many incredible people. There has been a lot of conversation face to face but I've never really shared it with the wider world. One of my favourite days out is going to visit my friend Jenny in Freshwater. It's a fabulous drive along the coastal road from Chale to Freshwater Bay.... and then usually half an hours drive round Freshwater trying to find Jenny's house, which hasn't moved, but I  can never seem to remember where it is. The nub of our conversation as it turns out, was some throw away sentences at the end of a four hour talking rally. Roll back a few days previously. Days in the gallery take on all dynamics. It is like an energy vortex and I always forget that it seems to draw people in at lightening speed. There'll be many quiet days which involve me pootling about or being high as a kite w...

Students art in progress at The Oracle Gallery

It's always a fantastic experience to watch young people being creative. When you completely remove the subject and encourage them to create freely, the results are always incredible. By being completely in their joy, they become channels for such vibrant and expressive art. Without words, their art has the power to awaken many.....purely by the energy of it. Through working in this way regularly, everyone - whatever their age, develops self esteem, confidence, balanced mental health. They become happier individuals and it makes you realise how much uniqueness is stripped away from a person throughout their existence here. Without exception - 99% of the time, students arrive unable to express fully. It's as if they are broken somehow - and they are. Our system of schooling that drills everyone to be the same so that the correct box can be ticked, just isn't working. It's actually failing many. What everyone actually needs is to be connected to the ener...

Fun with colour - The Students Exhibition.

The students exhibition is going fantastically well. People have come into the gallery from Switzerland, Texas, Slovenia, Cuba, India the Netherlands and from all over the UK. One of the beautiful comments has been - 'I've never seen spirit so openly displayed before.' People are being drawn in by the vibrant energy. It has been a real pleasure to meet everyone and conversations have been mind blowing. I love it when connection becomes one of higher-self to higher-self. Spirit to spirit. The confirmations, synchronisities, and learning are so rewarding. We've had lots of kids and adults come in and join us for group painting.  So far three canvases are being worked on and are looking great. It's so powerful when a group of people create together - the result is so much more than you could imagine. Whether it is meditating together or painting, a group energy sends a beam of light high up into the universe - like a beacon of light. This light energy th...


I am universal. Everywhere. Interconnected. As one with all and everything I am the space. The space is my future made manifest. I am love. I am light. Divinity is my birthright. I am the I am presence that is God. God is within me. I am of God. I am Nicola but I am also nameless, no where, no thing, no body... Spirit. Breath. I am that I am

Light of the World

In our earthly journey we have the choice and conditions to evolve beyond ourselves from 3rd dimensional beings to 5th.  The first being within the box, the second being boundless. universal consciousness itself. Eternal. Beings of Light. Angelic.  In the no mind state, in a state of being love, we become channels of the Divine. 💜💛💚💙💗💜💛💚💙💗💜💛💚💙💗💜💛💚 When young people use to rock up in the gallery in a bewildered state - and a far behind the eyes look - I would know exactly where they were. I would also know that they had been guided in by spirit and that they need my help. There was always a beautiful soul connection that I could feel with all the students when they arrived and so often I could feel a pain from them. They experienced this because they were disconnected - as I had been - from source energy, from spirit. They had lost the language of love through countless lifetimes. I became aware that I had served other lifetimes with t...

The Self that is in Eye

We are beauty, grace, and love and we are infinite. Through being love we transcend our earthly selves leaving our carcass - the case for our Ka or spirit - and journey between the worlds to higher dimensions. We are there and here at the same time. We are universal consciousness. We are ether. We are the angel looking through the key hole from another dimension. Our soul shines through our eyes as we recognise our truest nature and we see spirit in every body. To create is to heal. It is a by product of being creative, because when we are deep in creation we enter a state that is our super conscious mind, and deep seated trauma - anything that we need a further look at, will come back with our minds as we re enter our everyday world. It is clever that we function this way, and necessary. The more we create, the more healing we do on ourselves, the clearer we become until our art can deliver us messages - and we are still enough in our minds to hear them. Repetitive ...

Walking Between The Worlds

 When we learn to travel dimensionally we systematically devolve until we are unrecognisable to ourselves. Your soul self is broken down until humility remains. It is then that you know that love is all that matters and that trying only sets you further away. That being love connects you to the 'other side' where you realise that you were never walking alone or responsible for your greatness. You were being lead by the hand all the time when you so chose. Ironically the learning doesn't come through trying. In fact, the action of trying just creates a thick blockage in your energy field, and progress is halted. There will be a time when it's as if a switch has gone on in you and it will be impossible to ignore. This is your calling. Unfortunately what so often happens - as in the case of myself - is that life has diverted you. School has diverted you. You do what you should and ought. I never felt that I could follow a path that would give me so much ...

Free Expression for Art and Health.

The exhibition of free expression has made the gallery look magnificent.  Even the roof rafters are covered in art. The energy is filled with enjoyment. It is vibrant and a very powerful experience to be surrounded by so much creative energy. Most students that have their art on display have healed in some way - be this with confidence, dis-ease, or balanced metal or physical health. The journey that the body and mind craves for self healing is always a free and colourful one. I have had many students with Aspergers, autism, chromosome abnormalities, illness that left them in a wheel chair with limited ability of movement, illness that left them paralysed and so we painted with our mouths and I have had students with no confidence because they are seeking to express their sexuality. Students that were too afraid to speak, students that were jumpy and jittery with nerves. Creativity and self expression with complete abandon is the answer.

Child Inside

The innocent, the child, the lost. In a state of forgetting. Yet to remember her eternal self. How sad am I for the girl who had so much to remember and so much unlearning to do. And yet I am happy that she chose to trust the process, to thank the tears and to let her old self go. Throughout my life I have found art and creativity tremendously healing. Except I didn't realise that I even needed healing. Its a dichotomy that the more we come into balance - the more out of whack we realise that we were and so the journey seems to get longer and more procrastinated. We spew up all manner of issues and pains dating far back into our existence. No one is to blame. It isn't even about that. It is about our desire to find our innate wholeness. Who are we? Why are we here? What is our fullest purpose. What did we come here to do? ************************************************  I remember when I grappled with the idea that I'd chosen my experiences. That I had been on e...