Light of the World
In our earthly journey we have the choice and conditions to evolve beyond ourselves from 3rd dimensional beings to 5th.
The first being within the box, the second being boundless. universal consciousness itself. Eternal. Beings of Light. Angelic.
In the no mind state, in a state of being love, we become channels of the Divine.
When young people use to rock up in the gallery in a bewildered state - and a far behind the eyes look - I would know exactly where they were.
I would also know that they had been guided in by spirit and that they need my help. There was always a beautiful soul connection that I could feel with all the students when they arrived and so often I could feel a pain from them.
They experienced this because they were disconnected - as I had been - from source energy, from spirit. They had lost the language of love through countless lifetimes.
I became aware that I had served other lifetimes with them and that we had a symbiotic relationship that would cause the healing of us all.
As time went on, I realised that all the students that had ever visited The Oracle, continued in their growth regardless if I saw them again or not. It was as if we were all on the same flying carpet together, with our consciousness melded - inextricably linked.
They continued to evolve and their energy meant that many more came until I was flat out doing classes.
I watched as they all drew energy lines, then portals.
When asked, they all would tell me that's what they were. I did not enquire -
'Is that a portal?', but rather - 'What do you understand this to be?'
I was told that portals help a person to journey to another plane of consciousness and that while you were travelling through one you would feel non existent.

I provided the sanctuary and the young people lead the way. They all threw up to spirit - spirals of energy to essentially attach their crown chakras which would then allow for the light energy to flow back down.
As above so below.
They were mimicking me. Following the energy pathway that I had laid down, and yet I had never told them of this. It was all invisible energy, and yet could be felt.
It was always possible to 'diagnose' students through their creations. I could tell exactly where they were in their consciousness shifting journey. It was all laid bare within the colours and forms, except their were none to an untrained eye. I felt it and knew it unshakably because it pricked a marker within myself of where I was when I created a certain way.
Luckily though the energy path gets easier the more people that traverse it. The cleaner and more fluid a student gets their colours, the more vibrant they are as an energy vessel. No longer is there a need for a lot of pain and woe. It is time purely for enjoyment for the simple fulfilment of being.
When young people use to rock up in the gallery in a bewildered state - and a far behind the eyes look - I would know exactly where they were.
I would also know that they had been guided in by spirit and that they need my help. There was always a beautiful soul connection that I could feel with all the students when they arrived and so often I could feel a pain from them.
They experienced this because they were disconnected - as I had been - from source energy, from spirit. They had lost the language of love through countless lifetimes.
I became aware that I had served other lifetimes with them and that we had a symbiotic relationship that would cause the healing of us all.
As time went on, I realised that all the students that had ever visited The Oracle, continued in their growth regardless if I saw them again or not. It was as if we were all on the same flying carpet together, with our consciousness melded - inextricably linked.
They continued to evolve and their energy meant that many more came until I was flat out doing classes.
I watched as they all drew energy lines, then portals.
When asked, they all would tell me that's what they were. I did not enquire -
'Is that a portal?', but rather - 'What do you understand this to be?'
I was told that portals help a person to journey to another plane of consciousness and that while you were travelling through one you would feel non existent.

I provided the sanctuary and the young people lead the way. They all threw up to spirit - spirals of energy to essentially attach their crown chakras which would then allow for the light energy to flow back down.
As above so below.
They were mimicking me. Following the energy pathway that I had laid down, and yet I had never told them of this. It was all invisible energy, and yet could be felt.
It was always possible to 'diagnose' students through their creations. I could tell exactly where they were in their consciousness shifting journey. It was all laid bare within the colours and forms, except their were none to an untrained eye. I felt it and knew it unshakably because it pricked a marker within myself of where I was when I created a certain way.
Luckily though the energy path gets easier the more people that traverse it. The cleaner and more fluid a student gets their colours, the more vibrant they are as an energy vessel. No longer is there a need for a lot of pain and woe. It is time purely for enjoyment for the simple fulfilment of being.