The Self that is in Eye

We are beauty, grace, and love and we are infinite.
Through being love we transcend our earthly selves leaving our carcass - the case for our Ka or spirit - and journey between the worlds to higher dimensions.
We are there and here at the same time. We are universal consciousness. We are ether. We are the angel looking through the key hole from another dimension.
Our soul shines through our eyes as we recognise our truest nature and we see spirit in every body.
To create is to heal.
It is a by product of being creative, because when we are deep in creation we enter a state that is our super conscious mind, and deep seated trauma - anything that we need a further look at, will come back with our minds as we re enter our everyday world.
It is clever that we function this way, and necessary.
The more we create, the more healing we do on ourselves, the clearer we become until our art can deliver us messages - and we are still enough in our minds to hear them.
Repetitive silent art causes a tranquil mind where you can hear the whisperings from within. Once you have anchored this way firmly into yourself you will never need healing in the same way again.
Now I have access to guidance from my spirit family, Arch angels and angels. I have the support of friends in spirit, and my animals that I lost over the years are all eternally with me. If only I had been able to connect with them all from the beginning, I would never have got to a place of such loneliness and helplessness.
In the early days though I was totally connected and would roam the fields far from home. I'd be out in thunderstorms, sheltering in hedgerows as a five year old, and I knew I could just connect and chat with 'Them.'
I was never afraid.
Sadly though, the way that life is - our schooling, our non care for mental health. Our non communicative society.
Do we ever get asked - 'How does your brain work?'
We just assume that all of our brains work the same that we can all see auras the same, all see energy the same, all feel the same, all sense the same, all intuit the same.
What I found was that all these senses worked well in me, but they became duller and duller until I was broken down as person - until I felt nothing. I would say that this happens because our education system still does not value art and certainly hasn't put value on it as far as mental health, and it has escaped many that through art we can heal to a point where the by product is hearing our relatives on the other side.
Because this is what happened to me.
I broke, and I needed to heal. I healed myself and then I heard.
I also NEEDED to be allowed time to create. It helped me connect. Without the value put on art, I did not get the access to connection that I needed, so I broke.
Spirit are us and we are spirit. We need to connect with the wholeness of ourselves to thrive on earth, and this is what is missing on our planet at the moment.