We are beauty, grace, and love and we are infinite. Through being love we transcend our earthly selves leaving our carcass - the case for our Ka or spirit - and journey between the worlds to higher dimensions. We are there and here at the same time. We are universal consciousness. We are ether. We are the angel looking through the key hole from another dimension. Our soul shines through our eyes as we recognise our truest nature and we see spirit in every body. To create is to heal. It is a by product of being creative, because when we are deep in creation we enter a state that is our super conscious mind, and deep seated trauma - anything that we need a further look at, will come back with our minds as we re enter our everyday world. It is clever that we function this way, and necessary. The more we create, the more healing we do on ourselves, the clearer we become until our art can deliver us messages - and we are still enough in our minds to hear them. Repetitive ...